Archive for category Business
It’s a Breeze: An introduction

Its a Breeze owners Jeremy, Jen and their son Carter
It’s a Breeze, LLC was started by Jeremy and Jen shortly after graduating from Arizona State University, each with their Bachelor’s Degree in Global Business Management and Leadership, with a focus in marketing.
Prior to running the day to day business, Jen worked at Farmer’s Insurance as a Personal Lines Underwriter. In late 2006, Farmer’s announced plans to downsize the Phoenix operations, and Jen’s job was to be eliminated. Jen did not want to seek another “desk job”, so together Jeremy and Jen started It’s a Breeze, LLC. In September 2008 Jeremy and Jen had a precious little baby boy named Carter.
The business was started to fill an apparent gap in available cleaning services in the North West Valley. The owners’ previous experience with cleaning services was less than positive. Most cleaners would show up late, regularly call to reschedule, break and damage items, or not provide the level of service that was agreed to.
Before It’s a Breeze formed, most of the cleaning services in the area were either small, uninsured sole proprietorships or large corporations. The presence of a professional, reliable, friendly, trustworthy, family owned, bonded and insured residential cleaning service was lacking. It’s a Breeze fills this need.
We decided to start a blog as a way to share cleaning tips with our customers, various products that we try in our own home, and other portions of our business. Thanks for stopping by!